tiny amends
There are lots of things I haven’t talked about in this space lately. LOTS. There have been so many changes to my life and my internal workings in a very short amount of time. I’ll get to those things...
View Articlethe last four months or so of my life, written in the style of ‘one-hundred...
Instead of doing something that makes sense for a person of a writerly persuasion and, oh, writing a bunch of things about the massive changes in my life over the last four months, I’m gonna catch you...
View Articlethis soul that is so rightfully mine
I didn’t take a picture of it. I didn’t take a picture of any of them. Hell, truth be known, I thought each and every one of them would be trucked back home with me. I didn’t think that anyone would or...
View Articlestuff is an errant child
Today Maxim got locked out of his PayPal account due to a goofy glitch in the system. There was money sitting in there, money that he needed –we needed– and he started to freak out a little bit in his...
View Articlewhere anything is everything
You got two hours? Mash play and enlarge the view and be mesmerized.
View ArticleCosmic Circus Geek
In the last several months, while hysterical things were happening to our finances, I found myself fantasizing about money over and over. It’s not like you think. What I found myself fantasizing about...
View Articlegratitude powers, activate
Today I found out that my car is kaput. Even though I have plenty of jokes about this situation, I am vexed about it, I’m not gonna lie. Still, though: A minute ago I caught sight of the date. It was a...
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